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Lisa has been a practicing Celtic kitchen witch for over 40 years. She is an experienced tarot reader with a lifetime of experience in reading cards and other forms of divination including scrying, runes, charms and more.

Traditionally trained in tarot, Lisa adds her intuitive abilities as an empath to all of her readings. She approaches her reading style as a form of life coaching, helping you address your issues and find positive solutions to empower you in your life.


Lisa enjoy cuddles with "The Bean", playing World of Warcraft, reading, writing, watercolour painting, cooking, reading tarot and creating content on YouTube.

Lisa from Mythical Witchery


Published author, kitchen witch/crone, tarot reader, artist, cat mum, gamer, computer geek, and spoonie.


Jelly Bean, star of the show

Everyone knows that it's Jelly Bean who is the real STAR of the show. 

"The Bean", as he is affectionately known, is a six-year old Devon Rex. He enjoys unboxings, sniffing packets of yummy-smelling herbs, tearing up packing paper, knocking crystals on the floor, and freaking out his Mum when he gets too close to the candles. He is the undisputed star of Mythical Witchery. 

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